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very sick beta

23 14:27:33

I got my Beta, Squishy, about 4 months ago. He looked so sad in the little plastic cup in the store. I brought him home and put him in a one gallon tank with a filter, a light, gravel and a live plant. About a month ago, I purchased some new plants as the previous one had died. About a two weeks ago I noticed that his fins looked as if they were fraying. I went to a local pet store and asked a clerk; they recommended 'Splendid Beta BettaFix Remedy'. I began giving him the medicine and he seemed to feel better...more energy and his fins looked a little bit healthier. About 5 days ago, he began to take a turn for the worst. All his fins were fraying even worse than before. His back fin had seemed to disappear. I then changed the water, washed everything in the tank and threw away the plants. Yesterday I found him floating on his side at the top of the tank...when I tried to see if he was still alive by tapping the water next to him, he began to dart around the tank in an erratic manner. He is also not eating very much...his favorite food of freeze dried blood worms. I have still been giving him the same medication in desperation, but it apparently is not working. Please help me help my fish! I'm afraid that he is in pain.

Thanks so much, Christine

Hi Christine;

He needs a stronger medicine and a water change every day to get his immune system working as well as possible. I would use "Maracyn Two" or tetracycline. BettaFix is not going to heal an established infection but keep using it because it helps heal damaged tissues once the other medicine cures the infection. Another good thing to use is aquarium salt. It helps kill the infection and gives your fish back the electrolytes he has lost from the stress of his illness. Here is a link to info about finrot;

Since he is floating abnormally, it's possible he is also developing a swim bladder problem. Here is a good link to information about that;

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins