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Betta STILL isnt eating

23 15:09:18

My Betta, Winston Churchill, has stopped eating. He does try to eat but usually burps back up his betta bite immediately.

I'm very conscientious about his tank. I change about 25-30% of his water once a week and he has a filter so it's very clear and clean. His tank is located in my office so it's not especially cold.

Do you have any suggestions? I'm not so much worried about uneaten food building up as a hungry or possibly sick fish.

Other than the burping his food back up, he's a very active, seemingly happy fish. He is alone in his 1 gallon tank. Help!

Hi Julia;

Could he getting to be a "senior citizen"? Bettas live to be about 2 or 3 years old. They are about a year old when you buy them. Their appetite decreases sometimes as they age.

Most offices are on the cool side for bettas so you might try keeping him in a warmer area anyway and see if it helps. Even if he has done well at the same temp for a long time, he may be getting old enough now that it affects him more. Most creatures, including people, have a tougher time as we age.

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Chris Robbins

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