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Sick pleco

23 11:44:11

My pleco sits in the same spot as always right underneath the filter, he sometimes moves at night but not very often.  He is becoming lighter and lighter.  I can see that it is breathing but he NEVER moves.  I have another smaller pleco and it is always zooming around especially when I am feeding.  The plecos are in a freshwater tank with African Cichlids.  I try to do a partial water/gravel cleaning at least once a week, then I add a waste eliminator and aquarium salt.  What is wrong with my pleco???  Please help!! Also another question I have is I have a jeweled cichlid and when I put in a yellow lab they fought a little but my jewel cichlid turned from silver to red. Now three weeks later he has turned back to silver.  Did he only change color to defend its territory?

Hi Bonnie,
Your Pleco is slowly starving.  Buy him sinking pellets made for plecos, and sinking shrimp pellets.  People often think that they do not have to feed plecos, that they will eat what other fish leave behind, but this is not the case.  They need to be fed.
Your jewel changes colour due to his mood.  He may be afraid, or angry.  
With African Ciclids, you must change the decor in your tank at least once a month.  If they always have the same decor, they get too comfortable with their space.  They are very territorial, and do kill.  When adding a new fish this is very important.
Hope this helps.