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Hurt Angel fish

23 11:07:36

I am very new at owning a fish tank so please bear with me. I set up a 29 gallon tank in January. I later added a small school of 6 cardinal tetras, during March. Everything was doing well. So I went and got 4 cory cats to manage the uneaten food. I also got 2 small angel fish. Before adding the fish to the tank I did a water change (since it was the end of the week). My tank is high up so I have to use a small step ladder to pour the water in. My boyfriend was helping me. He was adding the water when he lost his balance. He slipped and in an attempt to stop he fall he stepped onto the small coffee table next to the tank. This is where the two fish bags were sitting. He stepped on the bag with the angel fish in it. The bag poped and the water started spilling out. I panicked, grabbed the bag with the two angel fish still inside and put them into the tank.... my boyfriend was ok and so was the cory cats. The black angel fish acted totally ok. In fact he started trying to eat the floating stuff that was stirred up from the water change. But the stripped angel fish hid at the bottom of the tank. He kept moving some but stayed hidden in the back of the tank. The next morning he seemed fine. He was at the top and in the front. But later that day I couldn't find him. It took me hours to spot him out. He was once again at the bottom in the back. I am worried he is hurt. Is there anything I can do? I really really want him to live. What can I do? Please help me. I have been struggling to get things right. I have a long list of mistakes I have made in the past year but I think I got it for the most part figured out. I have plants growing and the tetras have flourished. I need help. I need to do something for this small fish.

Hi Laurel,
 I am glad that your boyfriend is okay -- you need to be very careful when working around an aquarium on a ladder.  

 I doubt if that incident had anything to do with the stripped angel's condition. More likely, the other angelfish is bullying it.  Keep a close eye. Does the other angel chase it?  The solution to bullying is to have lots of hiding places in the tank where a weaker fish can go rest.

 By the way, there should not be "uneaten food" in a tank.  You are likely feeding them too much. Never put in food for fish to "eat later". Feed them only what they eat in a minute or two. Any other food will rot and cause all sorts of problems.  

-- Ron C.
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