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Hurt paca

23 14:48:04

I have a 110 gallon tank with 2 huge pacas in it.
I was cleaning the filters and one got spooked ramming hisself into the side of the tank. he can't swim,he tries sometimes, but he cant control his movements. he just sits on the bottom. what can i do for him? can he live this way?

Hi Pam;

Pacu will so that sometimes. Poor guy. He may simply be in shock. Turn out the lights all day and keep everything very still and calm for him. There really isn't much else you can do. Time will tell. My two pacu used to do that at night and we would see a scrape on one of them once in awhile the next morning. Sometimes they were extra shy for a day or so too but they always recovered. I hope yours feels better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins