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black moor and pleco

23 14:48:03

Hi Amber Woman...a friend just emptied her pond yesterdy and got rid of all her fish...left over was a 9 inch pleco....i have just set up a 180 gal tank and want to put him in there, however upon closer examination I saw he had a green film over his eyes!! I have never seen this. I got up to check on him (it is 3 am) he is on his back but still swimming in a small tank I use for holding. I'm hoping he is still with us in the morning. He looks a little starved to me. Hoping you can help...thanks  The second problem is my black moor..age 3 years He's in a 33gal at the moment, which he shares with 2 ranchu...they will all go into the 180 gal along with 5 goldfish and one really funny looking koi..also my black moors gills look like they have folded back on the edges..I have medicated him with maracyn several times with no change.He doesn't deem to be effected by his condition at all. He is his happy self and the ranchu and him hang out side by side as they have always done. I'm at a lose. I have noticed over the last year however that he is showing a bit of orange but have been told this is normal as some black moors age. Any help you can give would be helpful..Thanks a million..Cindy

Hello Cindy-

Let's start with the pleco first. (Did you know it is internet superstition to spell pleco pl*co, as spelling it correctly will supposedly mean the death of your fish?)

Anyways, most plecos I've seen have had weird greenish eyes that look moss-colored. They've got a light spot in the eye, ringed by brighter green coloration.

If he's swimming on his back, the holding tank may just be too small for him. Or, he may indeed be dying...If he reacts to you (ex. swimming away if you poke near him, or startling at loud noises) then he is probably fine.

On to the Moor.
It's perfectly normal, as you said, for black moors to turn orange or gold as they age. Some "black" moors will end up completely "white!"

As long as the gills can still function and are not infected, a little curling and folding around the edges is fine. The likely cause here is simply age.

Hope all your fish do well!
-Amber Worman