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Short Gill cover

23 11:51:09


I bought a quarter sized angel yesterday at my lfs, and noticed when I brought it home that it has a short gill cover.  It is quite a spunky fish, and it doesn't seem to bother it.  It eats great, but does have bubbles come out of the gill during feeding.  I was wondering if this defect will harm it in any way, or if it can grow to live a healthy, happy life.  I can take it and return it, but really do love its personality.  What are your thoughts?

Thanks, Christy

ANSWER: Hi Christy,
I have had Angels that do this.  Bubbles coming out of the gill when they eat.  There is no cause to be worried.  Make sure your water has zero ammonia, and safe nitrates, and he should be fine.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I was more concerned that the short gill cover would cause him problems later...


I wouldn't be worried about the short gill.  The way you describe her, she is very happy, and healthy.  It has the same chance to live a long, and happy life, as any other angel fish, as long as you keep her water clean, do your water changes, feed her right, and give her enough space.  There is no reason to be worried.