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cichlid not eating

23 14:36:49

Our cichlid hasnt eaten in about 3 or 4 days.  We recently changed his food.  We had gotten cichlid sticks and only fed him 2 times with that.  He also seems kind of scared.  Like when we put food in the tank he hides or when we come up to the tank he hides, which is not normal.  Tonight i've noticed that he has been going close to the top of the tank which isnt normal either he stays at the bottom. Also he has this little hut that he goes in and when hes in there he is vertical, not the whole time but for a few minutes at a time.  I hope you can help.  Oh yeah he is approximatly 5 years old.  Thank you!!!  

Hi Shawna,
 Have you been doing regular partial water changes?   One of the peculiar side effects of poor water quality is that cichlids get shy.   You need to be changing about 20-25% of his water once a week, every week to keep him happy, healthy, eating and outgoing.

-- Ron
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