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betta fish tank

23 11:14:29

i have a female siamese fighting fish  in a small thak i was thinking of putting her in a 5.7 litre sapphire aquarium tank but i don't know if i should put her in it.
And i am new a this


 Betta's should be in nothing less than 2.5 gallons, females included. I know that they sell Betta bowls and tell people that they can live in such small homes, but that is not true. Please, if at all possible, buy her a new tank that will keep her happy and healthy. You won't need a filter, but you will need a heater. Betta's are tropical fish and need their water to be around 82 degrees at all times. Don't forget you will have to do water changes regularly to ensure her water is safe for her. Also, I would suggest you test her water weekly. The first sign of a problem is water quality. If I can help you in any way let me know. I have 12 adult Betta's both male and female and quite a few Betta fry.