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compatible fish & setting up a fish tank

23 15:05:19

Hello, I am wanting to set up a ten gallon fish tank with a few tropical fish but am unsure if the fish I've chosen can live together and am not sure how to get a tank going and not kill the fish, I am hoping you can help me with this. The fish I am wanting to put in the tank are: Guppies, goast shrimp, a snail or two, two dwarf frogs, maybe some glass tetras(the little transparant blue/pink ones), maybe a pair of yellow or blue gormias and probly a pair or trio of mollies, are these fish compatible? how many can I put in the tank along with the goast shrimps, dwarf frogs and snails? I've heard an inch of fish per gallon is this correct? please get back to me as soon as possible, thanks.

Hi, well first things first, it may be a good idea to first buy the tank and ddecoration alond with the gravel and the filter.Ramember to always wash the decoration and gravel without SOAP! no soap. Then once you have arranged the decoration and the gravel and the filter which usually will come with the aquarium.Then you must leave you tank to run for a good 5 hours or more, you do not need more than 7-8.Once this is finished you are ready for the fish, your list seems to be a little too big here is what you should do, put 2-3 guppies, 2,ghost shrimp one dwarf frog, maximum 2,2 tetras and either 2 mollies or one gourami.Once you have installed your fish in the tank you are ready for some tropical fish food flakes and a thermometer to keep track of the water temperature, p.s. your water temperature should not be less than 72 and should not be higher than 77-78 max.It may be a good idea to buy a heater for the tank, they are inexpensive not more than 18 dollars.If you do not end up buying the heater make sure to keep the lights on your tank on for a good 4 hour or more.THANKS!