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Fish & Moving

23 14:28:08

We're moving in a little more than a week. We have 3 tanks of fish - goldfish, small tropical fish, and an oscar. What do you think is the best way to move them an hour away without stressing and killing them?

Bobbie -

Sorry it took me so long to get back with you, my internet cut out yesterday.

Now, as to moving fish. For you smaller fish I recommend buying a travel tank (PetSmart - 10-15 bucks each), filling it with water from the tank and keeping a firm hold on them for the drive. (I do this with my Betta when I travel back and forth to school and home on weekends). How big is your Oscar? If you can find a fairly large (unused and unclean) tupperware bowl, rinse it out with water only and again, fill it with water from a tank and place your Oscar in and hold him tight so he doesn't slosh around too much.

Hope this helps!
