Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Goldfish/Ryunkin


23 11:31:43

I have found a Gold Fish would best suit me as I am looking for a fish that can withstand cold water incase of an emergency because I am in Maine and we have winter storms at least twice a year that cause power loss and my home is only heated to a norm of 68-70 degrees so it's a bad home for tropical fish.

I have gained a vast amount of knowledge (enough to tell me I need to wait until a few weeks (for money# to buy a 55 gallon for a max of 3 Gold fish, filters, frozen blood worms, soak the pellets, peas for bladder trouble, ect.....

The one thing I can't seem to find is since there seems to be no way to be sure to only get male fish, is what do I do if I find hundreds of eggs suddenly? Also, after reading a question on a flumpy fish #the answer suggested it may be pregnant and have no where to lay the eggs) what should I do to prepare for a pregnancy just incase, and to prepare for a boat load of babies, just in case?

I want to have all the fish may need before I buy any fish because I want happy and healthy fish.

I am willing to keep saving money and be patient in order to ensure I am fit to care for the fish before I get them.

Is there such a site that would tell me everything I should know about Gold Fish before getting them? I have so far found the Ryunkins to be best suited for me.

I can say I have been impressed with the local pet stores because they have told me that Gold Fish need a BIIIIIG tank when I at first thought a 10gallon would do! PHEW for the fishies!


Hi Tracey,
 You are right to wait to get a larger tank rather than putting them in a 10 gallon tank.  

 Goldfish are egg layers so they do not get pregnant as such.  A female will get larger when she is full of eggs.  However, you would have to have a male present when she laid the eggs because he fertilizes them as they are laid.  The odds of that working successfully in an aquarium are very small so I would not worry about having a bunch of baby goldfish.  Almost all goldfish are spawned in ponds rather than in tanks.  

 Unfortunately I do not know of a good goldfish website. sorry.

-- Ron
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