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My gold fish keep dying

23 14:27:13

Hi Matthew, we have a large tank which we had African Chinchias that we traded for a bunch of feeder fish (which look deformed) as well as goldfish, we are loosing about 1 fish a day currently, there are lots of branches and rocks in the tank.  the heater is still on.  The fish that are dye look like they are injured.  They swim sideways for a few days and die, there is one in the tank that looks like its fins have dissolved (or been eaten) a bit.
any ideas, thanks Jason

Hi jason.

I think you are referring to african cichlids, rather than "chinchias".

The only thing i can think of is that you are having an ammonia spike. You need to do a LARGE water change, and then use an ammonia tester to test your ammonia. Follow up with the results, and how large your tank is (in US gallons preferably).

Get those and let me know.
