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Marvin! My Betta

23 14:47:08

Hi Chris! Iam having a problem with my Marvin (a male betta) I was hoping you could help me with. I got Marvin about a month ago and hes not eating to well.tell you the truth I dont see him eating at all.I have him in a 1 gallon tank with a snail in my kitchen.Marvin has a filter,and light and 2different types food (I even give him krill).he also seems shy unlike my past bettas he doesnt stick his gills out when you put your face to the glass .I brought him at wal-mart,but iam concernrd hes not eating Iam giving him enough options.Marvin wont even eat the food he was eating at wal-mart.Can you help me please?

Hi Patricia;

Check the temperature of his water. If it is below 75f, it's too cool. Get him to a warmer spot, put a light on him or get a tank for him so he can have a heater.

Also, clean his bowl at least once a week. If food is leftover it can rot and cause him to get sick. Water changes help the appetite. Remove uneaten food right away.

I hope Marvin feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins