Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Transporting Bala sharks

Transporting Bala sharks

23 11:45:08

Chris, I would like to move about 25 Bala sharks rangeing in lengh 4 to 7 inches. I will be useing my car and moveing them six hundred miles. What is the best way to handle this move?

Hi Ron;

It really depends on the weather, your car's environmental controls, what kind of space your car has, and how long your trip will take. You might consult a local fish store that you can interact with more directly than with me online. Not a chain store but a "mom and pop" type of operation. The owner-operated places like that usually have more hands-on experience and knowledge about this sort of thing. Look for a person that has done this before. They should be able to give you suggestions and may even have supplies (boxes, bags) for moving that many fish of that size. Here is a web page about it that may help a bit too;

Good luck...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins