Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > tetra fish acting odd the same odd way one had acted the night he died.

tetra fish acting odd the same odd way one had acted the night he died.

23 11:13:52

QUESTION: i am concerned my room mate has been dealing with freshwater tanks for many years, she can not even understand what it is that i am about to ask you.
We just lost one mickey mouse tetra over night two weeks ago, night he died he was hanging in the corners at the bottom of the tank acting like he was itching his belly.
when I would try to get him to move by tapping on the glass it didnt even phase him, the other fish obviously got spooked, natural response. dead that morning. now we have a baby mickey mouse tetra who was born to the tank and out lived his siblings and is now acting the same way without the itching movement. i caught him acting that way last week but added water and it helped he was fine. today he is hanging out at the bottom behind a rock, leaning a tiny bit sideways. what could this possibly be?

ANSWER: First response to you is, what are the levels of ammonia, nitrite and ph. These are all very critical and harmful to the fish. Have you checked that yet. I know this is urgent so the quicker you respond back, the quicker we can solve the problem.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok what is the type of kit and how or what do i get and what is the cost i will be going as soon as i hear back. thank you for being so quick. you are really great.

Well, either the ph levels are too high or low, most fish can adapt very well though. I too have the same fish in one of my tanks. Nitrite levels will cause the behavior as well. This will slowly go away by changing water depending on how high it is. The test I recommend is " Quick dip" it test 6 different things at one time. All of which I mentioned. I would recommend you get stress coat and stress zyme I believe it is. This will help too if it is in fact water chemistry problems. I will say, I cannot see the fish so, I'm giving you this blind. If you feed the fish too much or if its stomach is distended it could be an infection or disease. Maracyn brand is the best to me. Anyway, good luck. Let me know what the test strips turn up and we'll go from there.