Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Betta constipated badly

Betta constipated badly

23 11:13:53

QUESTION: I have a constipated Betta it looks like. his stonach is big and he lays on the bottom of the tank. I have a link to youtube to show the video.

These are the two links to the betta video.

ANSWER: Linda,

  You have a bad case of swim bladder disease. Please do the following:

Feeding frozen pea:

  Remove the sick fish and put them in your hospital tank. Fast them for 2 days, on the 3rd day take a frozen pea and put it in hot water. This thaws it out and cooks it. Remove the shell from the pea and throw it away. DO NOT feed the shell to your fish, they cannot digest it. Cut the inside of the pea in small pieces and feed them to your fish. Fast them again for another 2 days. If they are still bloated, repeat the whole process.

Swim bladder disease's number one cause is over feeding. Betta's will eat every time you feed them. Pick one day a week that you fast your Betta. Over here, all 11 adults Beta's are fasted on Tuesday. I do not feed them. this helps them to digest everything they have in them, without adding more. It is not painful, very easily treated, and he will be fine. I have included an excellent website on Betta's and swim bladder disease.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What about epson salt baths?? If so how much salt and for how long??


 He doesn't need a salt water dip for swim bladder disease. I use the salt for things like Ich, or fin rot. Do not use Epson salt, always use aquarium salt. That is made for tanks and nothing else. If you feed him the pea, and keep his water clean and do not over feed him, he will be just fine. If we use salt too often or when not needed, he will become immune from all the benefits.