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Odd lumps

23 11:12:13


algae eater
I have got 2 fish that just became sick in the past few days. (that I noticed anyway).  The first is a neon tetra.  About a week ago he appeared to have a simple injury on his side (Neon color missing from a spot about 1/3 of his body). Then a few days ago I noticed a fluffy pink lump, around the size of his eye, on the base of his tail (where body meets the fin).  I did a 30% water change (10 gal tank) and added Melafix and aquarium salt.  Today I noticed the bottom half of his tail fell off (where the growth is).  

Also, I have a Chinese (or Siamese?) algae eater, about 2 1/2 inches that I just noticed has a large lump on his back.  It is approximately 3/4 of an inch. It gives him a hunched back appearance, but body is not arched.

It sounds like the neon tetra had a parasitic outbreak. Melafix in my opinion, doesn't meet the needs of the aaverage quariast. I would recommend maracyn and maracyn 2. It is made by mardel. Although, you can probably buy a dozen neon tetras for the cost to treat them. The algae eater either had an injury site infected which could've been influenced from parasites as well,  and this is a result of that scar tissue or it could have what is called koi pox, if that lump is a blister rather than a lump itself. The picture is too hard to tell from. I ask you to do some research on the koi pox and reexamine the algae eater to determine the true issue. I hope this helps. So sorry for the delayed response. Good luck.