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Flower Horn Illness since one year

23 11:05:20

    I am yogesh from India..I have my flower horn suffering from illness for the past one is around  4 to 5 years sinks at the bottom and is really not able to come up and it is finding it difficult to even consume the food..It has gone slim and i am not able to find the right kind of medication in india(Bangalore).So i request you to provide me suggestions at the earliest..

Yogesh,     That is one strong Flower Horn to have hung on this long. It sounds he has a wimbled infection. I know it is hard to get fish medication there. If you could tell me what is available in your popshop we can them medicate it. In the meantime what you need to do is add some aquarium salt to your tank. Non iodized salt is the same, 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons. You also need to go out and get some frozen peas. Feed it once a day. Thaw it under some water and crack it for it. Take the shell out later. This help the constipation that is causing him to not stay upright. If you can find melafix, I would add that. It is an all natural antibiotic. Please let me know what medications are available in your shops. Thank - You Yogesh. Good Luck, Tina