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black mystery snail

23 14:36:38

Hi. I got a black mystery snail this evening to help with algae in my goldfish tank. "Shelly" is already out and about. My question is, can "she" lay eggs all on her own without another snail in there?
Sincerely, Debbie

Good morning Debbie, thank you for your question.

Yes, your mystery snail will lay eggs if you lower the water level 3-5" - the eggs cannot be submerged. Their eggs appear as a light pink or salmon colored cluster.

Keep in mind that snails need to live in water over 70 F. If your tank never drops below this temperature, it should be fine. Give your snail its own food a few times a week. Cucumber, zucchini, most any vegetable will be consumed readily. You can use a magnetic clip to weigh it down.

Snails have a life expectancy of about a year on average. If you see the snail laying on the gravel very still for an hour or more, turn it over to make sure it is still alive. Snails decompose rapidly, releasing a terrible smell you will not soon forget! Do a large water change afterwards.

If you'd like to know more about your snail, check out:

Probably the best resource on snails available on the web!

Have a nice weekend,