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Identification and tankmate suggestions

23 15:09:32

Followup To
Question -
I bought a nice looking little fish, stunning in color for freshwater, yellow and black stripes.  It behaves sort of like a red-tail shark in really needing to have a home base to hide in, acting shy and getting active at night.  It has grown quickly and I believe is resposible for the death of many tetras that once inhabited the tank.  They completely disappear, every bit consumed!  What is this fish, and in a 29 gallon tank who else could live with him/her?

Have had the tank for 3 years, moved it in December of last year and started again. Have the above unknown, 2 rosey tetras, 2 scissor tail tetras, PH at 7. or so.  Standard above tank charcoal filtration.


Answer -
Hi Wendy;

Do his stripes run vertical (up and down like a zebra) or are they horizontal (end to end)?
How big is he right now?

Does his mouth point downward like a catfish?
Is he elongated like a shark or have a more full body like a goldfish?

Here are some links to look at photos, let me know if any even resemble him at all;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Thank you for responding Chris!  I think you directed me just where I needed to go, identifying the picture of the Blank banded Leporinus as my little monster.  Currently he/she is about 6" long.  Now identified, I am able to find information like a 55 or 70 gallon tank is suggested!!!  OK say I did get a 55 gallon tank, what fish would you add to balance out this tank.  Thanks again for your help!!! Wendy

Hi Wendy;

Glad I could help you find him! They are a nice looking fish.

They can live with medium to large sized fish like silver dollars, tinfoil barbs, bala sharks, redtailed sharks, rainbow sharks, black sharks, iridescent sharks, gouramis (except dwarf), Plecostamus, severum cichlids, Geophagus, festivum cichlids. Some of these fish, like the leporinus, will get 10 inches or longer, so a tank of 100 gallons or more is recommended.

Let me know if you have more followups by Tuesday. I am going on vacation for a week starting on Wednesday......

Have fun!

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Come on over and join us on the freshwater fish forum at to get even more information too;

My member name is ChrisR62. See You There!