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new rocks in tank now convict sick

23 11:52:05

Hello, I recently changed the rocks in my 2yr old convict cichlics tank. Also had to refill some of the water with new stuff. Now he is very un motivated and not eating, and has lost his vibrant colour... I bought the rocks from Bunnings warehouse (not a pet store) but rinsed them in hot water first), was this still a bad idea? What can I do to fix it? I heard removing old rocks from the tank takes away the fishes sort of bacteria etc, would I be better off taking the rocks out and replacing the water? I'm worried he is going to die. :(

Hi Nicole,
   Changing the landscaping will definitely disrupt your fish and it may take him several weeks to feel "normal" again.  

   I am not familiar with Bunnings warehouse.  It is a good idea to buy aquarium stuff from a pet store because if you were to put any old rock in there and the rock had sulphur in it, you will easily kill your fish (many "natural" rocks contain sulphur or iron oxides, etc).  So, unless you know what you are doing, stick with stuff you buy at a pet store.

-- Ron
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