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cloudy water

23 11:48:13

Thank you again for all the help you gave me when I struggled with betta fish. Now that sick one finally recovered and sees to live happily, I just encouraged and got myself another one, this one is a double tail (rather beautiful and exotic if you ask me). I did my usual thing with the tank (I already have a 2.5 gallon tank): tap water, heater,water conditioner, measured sea salt.. He seems happy so far in the tank. But I noticed the tank is a tiny bit cloudy the following morning, milky like. I never had cloudy water the next morning. What could be the cause? Will it harm my little betta?
As always, appreciate your time and knowledge!

Hi Kathryn,
Cloudy water could be many things.  Sometimes a Betta will blow a big nest, and that can cloud the water.  It could also be a bad bacteria.  It could be that the gravel wasn't rinsed enough.  I would change all the water again to be sure.
Hope that it will clear up, and that the problem will go away.