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Sticky sac on my Oranda

23 14:14:27

Maybe a month ago I noticed a sac that looks like a bubble on the tail of my red oranda. It seemed to be sticky, because it had glued the tail fins together. It looked as though there was something inside it (my first thought was eggs) but I didn't know for sure. It stayed there for a while and then just seemed to deflate. Today I noticed that her fin is ragged in that same spot. Do you know what the problem is and how I can fix it? Thanks so much.

Charlene,                                                    Did the sac turn whitish. It may have been eggs. Anyway it doesn't matter what it was lets take care of his tail. Go and get some Melafix. It is an all natural antibiotic. Treat him for 7 days. Then a 30% water change and new carbon. Don't forget to take the carbon out while you are treating her ..... That should fix her up. Tina