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Betta with open wound

23 11:25:53


Betta wound
I've had my red betta (Ronin) for the past 1.5 years. Water parameters are good & clean. He's in a 5gal hexagon tank with filter & good aeration & 1 dwarf otocinclus. He's always had a skin fold near his anal fins. About 9 days ago, the skin opened & a wound is present. He's bloated with pinecones,clamped fins, loss of color, staying at surface & just now stopped eating. I treated him with PimaFix/MelaFix for 7 days which didn't help him. I tried epsom salt & he began going on his side, went into shock & floated nose down, so I took him out. Now I'm treating him with Maracyn 2. HELP!  

Hi Karen,
 Sadly I don't know what else you can do. Hopefully the Maracyn will help.  Keep in mind that 1.5 years is getting old for a betta so it might just be that his ability to fight off infection is declining.

-- Ron C.
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