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Bullied Gourami

23 14:06:23

I have a 30 gallon Hex tank. 9 assorted Guppies and a Pearl Gourami. Yesterday I added 6, 2 male and 4 female, Black Mollies to the tank.
I noticed online yesterday there was a comment about Mollies eating at Gouramis, something about their coating that Mollies like.
I've had multiple issues with Ich in this 30 gallon Hex, and the Gourami is close to 4 years old by now. My tank is finally at an appropriate level, and I've added Aquarium Salt this last water change. Every time I change the water the Gourami gets extremely stressed and lays on the bottom not moving, until about a half hour after the water has cycled, then back to the top.
My problem, a male Mollie has been extremely aggressive towards my Gourami, causing it to swim sporadically, and now looks to be marbled because the bottom half is no longer as dark as the Gourami's normal coloring was.
I have a 10 gallon tank with 2 male Platys and a female Platy, the other Platys have died, due to an ammonia level issue. This has been resolved and is now a healthier tank. Would the Platys be as aggressive towards my Gourami?
I know Gouramis live up to 5 years, and I just hate to see her go through this constant stress. I put her in a baby net, in her hex tank. But I know this is too little space for her and will also cause her stress. I just wanted to separate her from the Mollies.
The Guppies are faster than the Gourami so it doesn't appear they're being bullied by the Mollies. What can I do to make this a better situation for my tank?

Hello Libby-

I think your best option here would be to put your 2 male mollies into the 10 gallon with the male Platys, and move the female Platy in with the female Mollies. 10 gallons for that amount of fish may be cutting it close, though, and the small space may cause more nipping than you might want. It will be best to keep all females in the tank with your Gourami, that way there will be no males to fight over territory. I'm kind of worried about your Gourami's behavior during water changes, though. How much water are you changing at one time? Are you remembering to use a dechlorinator before adding the new water to the tank? Is it about the same temperature as the old water? Be sure to make the new water as close to the old water in all possible ways, and try not to ever change more than 50% of the water at one time.

I'm glad you're such a great Gourami mom. My blue Gourami Din-Din is almost 8 years old, so it makes me happy to hear about other Gouramis living for so long. :)

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman