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Bettas keep dying...

23 14:14:44


My son recently got a Betta for his birthday. We had it in a wall unit that hangs like a picture. I changed the water weekly and fed Betta food (looks like poppy seeds), about 4-5 every few days. Also a "new water" additive for conditioning Betta water was added, about 5 drops. First week, fine. Second week, I did the same, but added a capful, per directions, of water additive. After two weeks, it died. We got another one Saturday and it was very active. I performed the same, new water, some food and only a few drops this time of the water additive. Yesterday it was mellow and today it's dead. I'm wondering what I am missing? Our water's pH is about 6.75, tastes a little metal like, but tested fine for everything bacteria, etc. Would that have anything to do with it? Should I use bottled water because everything else is not changeable. I even set water out a day before to get it to room temp as the tank.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Mike,
 Hmmm... that is puzzling.  Add the chemical to the water before you put it in the tank.  It sounds like your tank isn't very large.  A capful sounds like quite a bit for a small tank. Please check the dosage information.  

 I am not thrilled about the wall unit things because seldom do they have a heater.  Bettas are tropical fish and they need water up near 80oF to be happy and healthy. If it gets colder, they get very lethargic and won't eat.  Unfortunately, people keep feeding them, and if they don't eat, the uneaten food fouls the water.  Could that be what is happening?

 You could try bottled water but I would hate to think that your tap water was that toxic.

-- Ron
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