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white growth on fish

23 14:11:20

we also have white growth on our big goldfish around his ey and now beginning to get on his fins.we have a 90 gal tank mixed with other fish.fresh water husband keep it really clean.the other fish seem to be fine.could it just be he is sick?thanx much for your help.Brandi

Hi Brandi;

The poor guy does have an infection for sure. He really should be isolated for treatment though. You don't want to add medicine to a tank that big because it would take a great deal of it. Fish medicines are dosed by the gallon. The other fish should not be treated if they aren't sick anyway. Even a clean 5 gallon bucket with an airstone hooked to an air pump is fine. Change 50% of the water every day because there will be no filtration. The fresh water every day will boost his immune system and help him heal too. Goldfish don't need heaters because they are cold water fish so he will be fine in the bucket just sitting on the floor or somewhere else that is safe from other pets. Put a big towel over it or something so that nothing drops in and he doesn't jump out. He doesn't need lights, it's better for lights to be dim so he is more calm.  

In order to know what medication to use you will need to know whether the white growth is caused by fungi or bacteria. If it looks like cotton and is close to the skin, it is probably bacterial. If it looks kind of like very short 'hairs' it is probably fungal. See what your local fish store has for whichever it turns out to be. You can also add aquarium salt and a natural product called "Melafix". Salt and melafix help ward off further infection and help to heal damaged tissues.
I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins