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My Cichlid

23 12:02:06

I have a Cichlid, Sheila. She is bright orange and rather big. I have never been able to put another fish in with her because she will kill it. She does not necessarily eat it, just kills it. I have had her for a couple of years now. She pay close attention to what is going on outside the tank. She is very friendly. Yesterday, I noticed that she has laid a large amount of eggs. She has been alone for most of her time with me, except for the few times that I tried to introduce a friend for her... I heard that they can change sexes. Can she fertilize these eggs? Will they hatch? She is very protective of them. She has been very mean lately. What can I expect? and what should I be doing?

Hi Carol,
  Female cichlids will occasionally lay eggs even if there is no male around.  The eggs will not be fertile because they were not fertilized and so eventually they will turn white and die. This typically takes about 3 days or so during which Sheila will guard them rather ferociously.  It doesn't hurt her to do this.  As the eggs die, she will likely eat them to recover the nutrients.   I have had female cichlids do this every few weeks like clockwork, sometimes for a year or more.

-- Ron
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