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Apistogramma Compatibility

23 15:01:17

I have always been a huge fan of Angel of theres just something about them that I enjoy.  But recently I saw a picture of Cockatoo Dwarf cichlid, which I found out was also called Apistogramma Cacatuoides I believe.  Anyways I'm wanting to know what there compatibility is, what would be good tank mates to go with them,  and if it's better to keep them in pairs, groups, or individual.

Hi Leann,
 Hmmm... I would be reluctant to put Dwarf cichlids in with angel fish.  Angel fish look peaceful but often aren't and I suspect that they would harass the apistogrammas quite a bit.
However, if you want to try, the absolute key to keeping Apistogramma is to have lots of little caves that they can hide in -- that is how they normally live in the wild.  The more little caves that they have, the more secure that they will feel, and the less likely they are to spend time hiding in the caves.  If you only put one cave in the tank, odds are you won't see the Apistos because they will spend all their time hiding.  

-- Ron
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