Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > crowntailed betta turning white

crowntailed betta turning white

23 14:07:20

it doesn't seem sick or anything, but it started turning white about a week ago...i moved it to right next to a heater to warm it is still turning white...the pet store said he was getting old...i just bought him a month ago for a valentine's day present for my daughter...please, any advice would be

Hello Kim -

Usually when bettas lose their color, it means their water is way too cold. Bettas need either an in-tank heater or a heat lamp that keeps their water between 75 - 80 F. Use a thermometer to make sure his water temperature is within this range.

If his water temperature is fine, then you'll need to check the pH, ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels. If you take a water sample to a pet store like PetSmart, they will preform a test for free. Be kind of pushy with them and ask them to explain the results of the test completely. Ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite should all be zero, and pH should be right around 7. The pet store can show you what to do if these levels are off.

If your levels are fine, then you can try a salt bath. Prepare it in a separate container using one gallon of water and 1 teaspoon of salt. Place your fish in the bath for 20 minutes, but if he appears stressed or starts to roll onto his side, take him out before the time is up.

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman