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Red Devil Cichild

23 11:55:19

Our son went to college.I was told to feed him or her Red Devil Cichild. I have been doing that but I noticed when the fish see's me pass by it get's excited. I could swear after taking time yesterday and this morning (I know sounds crazy) it want's me to stay and pay attention to it. I went on line to find out this information and I see they are very social.My son said it can be very aggresive. I swear this fish comes to the top when the lid is up and wants me to touch it's big bump on its head. I started to pet it's head when he comes to the top and it's lets me it comes back around to the top and it brings its body to the top so I can touch the top of it's back. I have read all of the bad and can't find much petting of these fish. I'm I setting myself up to get bit or is this fish being like a dog? This I swear is not a joke and I'm not crazy. I feel sorry for this fish because I'm afraid of it because I don't know what I'm dealing with. I don't want to be afraid. Thank you for your time on this issue.
Newtown, CT

Hi Patti,
 Actually this is very normal for a red devil. They are very intelligent and they often interact with people. A red devil can easily tell one person from another.  There is no reason why he would bite you unless you stuck your finger in his mouth.  Even if he did, it would surprise you but it wouldn't actually hurt you.  Don't be afraid of it; enjoy your red devil.

-- Ron
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