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One sick angelfish

23 11:58:36

Hi Ron, we have a 30 gallon tank with a Whisper 20i filter with three angels and alot of live plants that cover about 75% of the bottom of the tank. For the past three weeks our oldest angel(2 years) has been laying on its side or leaning on the side of the tank in different spots including in the plants and on the gravel and under a piece of driftwood.  We have been putting in Maracyn 2 and trying to feed him shelled green peas but he's not getting any better. All of the levels are normal and we change the water about 30% every other day. He doesn't really like being hand fed and we don't want him to starve but am not sure what to do next. We have another established 10 gallon tank with about 5 neon tetras that we could use as a hospital tank but we are afraid that the tetras will pick at the angel or if we move the tetras to the other tank, we could make our healthy angels get sick. There are no red streaks or fungus on any of the fish and the other two angels are swimming fine.  Thanks in advance for your advice.

Hi Ann Marie,
 Unfortunately, it sounds like your angel has a swim-bladder problem. These things are really hard to treat. I recently knew an angel that lasted many, many months with exactly the same symptoms, but sadly it never got better.  
 You can keep trying the Maracyn but sadly I have heard of little success treating this problem.

-- Ron
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