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How warm is to warm

23 15:05:20

I have a beta Fish and he seems to be doing very well. He lives in a 3 gallon tank with spring water. the temp  always stays above 72 and sometimes nears 86. Is this ok? Should I turn the light off throughout the day to keep the temp in the high 70's and low 80's or is warmer better.
Also I have been trying to feed him flakes and blood worms. He really doesn't eat much. The pet store suggested feeding him 3 times a week. I have only had him a week but he has only eaten a very small amout. Iam worried he is not eating enough. He seems to hide behind a plant quite a bit could something be wrong? He looks great. good color, no bad fins or spots. Please help I want to keep him as healthy as possible.
Thank you

Hi Enid;

Bettas prefer higher temperatures and actually need in the mid-80's to breed. So 85 or 86 is not harmful to him. The main thing is to keep the temperature consistent. Get it to a temperature you like (between 78 and 80 is good) and do what you can to keep it there.

Bettas don't need much to eat because they are not normally very active fish. He is still new too and needs time to get adjusted. Once you get his water to a consistent temperature he will feel better too. Some people put a timer on the light to make it turn off in the afternoon when it gets warm and turn it on at night when the room is cooler.

Here are some sites to help you know more about caring for him;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins