Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Something wrong with my red cap oranda and dont know whats causing it

Something wrong with my red cap oranda and dont know whats causing it

23 11:14:18

  I have a two inch orange cap oranda.  Initially I have kept it in a one gallon tank and it's not doing so well.  I notice that some of it's scales are missing and part of the fin is rotten.  Then I move the fish over to a 10 gallon tank.  It was doing well swimming around for a week.  Then it is settling down at the bottom of tank again.  I notice that more of it's scales are missing and the tip of all of it's fin is black instead of orange.  My fish was orange color throughout.  Also, it has little black dots on it's body and I'm starting to see them around the wen and around it's eyes.  What's going on?


 I am glad to hear you move your fish to a larger tank. The goldfish is the most wasteful of all tropical fish. They pollute the faster and more than any other. Do you check your water level on Nitrate, Nitrites, and Ammonia? If not, i suggest you get a test kit. All fish owners should have one. I would check the water perimeters first off to see how high the levels are. All three should be at zero. Your fish could be suffering from ammonia poisoning or nitrate and nitrite as well. I would so a 50% water change. Remember to condition the water before you add it to the tank. After you have tested the water, let me know what they are and I can help you better. I would also treat him for fin rot. Also, goldfish need 20 gallons for the first fish and 10 for each goldfish added. The tank yours is in is still a bit small. As soon as you can, I would get a 20 gallon tank to house him in. Is he the only fish in that tank? Please, let me know about the water readings as soon as you can. If you don't have a kit, take some of your tank water to the pet store. They will test it for you free of charge.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

photo of fish sideways
photo of fish sideways  
QUESTION: I have send a sample of the water from the tank to test in Petco.  They say ammonia, nitrate and nitrite are in normal level.  I notice that most of the tips of it's fin become black.  He's the only fish in that tank. He might seem a bit bloated.  I only feed him once every two days.  I also notice there are more black spots on his face.  The staff from petco suggest that I use medication that treats disease caused by ich, Fungus, protozoans and dinoflagellates.  It contains herbal ingredients and naphthoquinone.  However,the bottle says remove carbon from filter during treatment.  My filter has the carbon within, so I can't detach it.  I have to remove the filter bag during the day and then will put back in when I leave the office.  I don't have the fish at home.  I don't think it is caused by ich, but I can't tell what is bothering the fish.


It could be whats called black Ich. I would treat it with Ich away, it seams to work good. Since you will have to do water changes every other day, its ok if the filter is not in. Once you put the filter back in the tank, the carbon will remove all the medication before it has a chance to really start working. Treat the water and fish with the medications you have following the instructions on the bottle. If after a few days he isn't getting better, or he gets worse let me know and I can help you out more. Once you get your fish back to normal, I would like to suggest a larger tank. The one goldfish will need a minimum of 20 gallons. Anything less, and you are bound to have continual problems.