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My sick oscar fish

23 11:43:57


Sick Oscar
I recently purchased an oscar which was doing fine for about two weeks. Later on I fed him Minnows. After, I had fed him minnows and a few days later he started laying down at the bottom of the tank breathing rapidly. This has been going on for two days, I already put aquarium salt in and I'm observing if it well help. Anyway, do you know what can be going on with my oscar?(My tank is a 29 gallon, he's a bay tiger oscar,I have a heater.)
Please help me what todo or what to buy to help him.

Thank you.

Hi Erick,
 Very likely your oscar contracted a disease from eating the minnows.  I strongly discourage people from feeding their oscars with live feeder fish.  Goldfish are the worst and will almost
certainly kill your oscar eventually.  As for what to do now, that's hard to say.  Most likely you are going to have to just wait and see if your oscar can pull through.

-- Ron
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