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air breathing fish

23 11:56:56

I was wondering if you would recommend any air breathing fish. I live in a dorm and would like to have a fish. The tank wont have a filter nor an air pump. I know that Beta are the fish many people get for this choice but I was wondering if there were any others. Thanks for your time

Hi Samantha,
The betta needs at least a 5 gallon heated tank, so he wouldn't be a good choice if you plan on having a fish with no filter or air pump or heater.  Actually there are no fish that can live under these conditions.  
The vendors tell you that bettas do, but they end up sick, and die.  Bettas need space to swim, heated tanks (80 degrees) they are cold under this temperature.  They also need variation in their diet.  I wouldn't recommend a betta.  You also have to do water changed every week with a good conditioner.  To treat him in any other way would be cruel.  Bettas are one of the most mistreated fish on the market.  Goldfish need space too, 10 gallons to one goldfish.  They do get big, so I'm sorry but no fish would be able to live happily under these conditions.