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Betta fish spitting food out

23 11:56:56

I noticed that my Betta spits his food out (Tetra pellets) after "chewing" them.  I assume he is spitting them out (vs. vomiting)  since they are still whole.   Otherwise, he seems okay.  Is this a symptom of constipation?   Thank you very much.

Hi Alex
I apologize for the delay in answering your question, it had been sent to our question pool.

Well first, Tetra pellets are not Betta food. Try a food designed specifically for Bettas. BettaMin, BettaBites and live brine shrimp are good choices. Freeze dried bloodworms are a good treat. Bettas often spit out their food several times. There is nothing wrong with them, they are breaking up the food.

Hope this helps,