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tiger fish

23 11:06:08

hello...I have a golden tiger barb couple...a male and a seems they always follow each other...if i want to save the eggs from being eaten by other fishes should i keep the tiger barb in breeding box so that they will mate?

In order to get them to breed, you will want to separate them first. After a few days, you can allow the couple to see each other by putting their tanks together. The breeding tank should have marbles as the substrate so the eggs will fall through and the parents can't get to them to eat them. Once the breeding has stopped, you will remove both parents from the breeding tank and put them back in the main tank. Remember, the breeding tank should have a sponge filter and will need to be cycled before adding any fish. If the tank is at 80 degrees at all times, you will start seeing the fry swimming after about 5 days. Feed the fry newly hatched brine shrimp until they are big enough to eat the same food the adults are eating. The breeding boxes are too small to have both fish in and will cause stress possibly stopping the breeding process.