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egg bound betta?

23 11:29:54

i have a female betta that i'm fairly sure is egg bound. she's very gravid and is having some trouble swimming. none of my other females were effected. i put her in a spare hospital tank just incase of a disease though. at first i thought she might be constipated so i fasted her a day and gave her a little bit of pea before i went to bed. when i woke up, she had spawned a few eggs (not nearly as many as normal when i breed her). i heard a little epsom salt can help, so i've been using a few grains of it in her tank.

her coloring is still good, and shes as bad tempered as ever (took a nip at me when i went to do a water change). she's doing better after releasing the few eggs she did, though still very heavy. i noticed when i check her tank the past few days, theres some eggs (very very few. maybe 20 or so) a day. so, basically i concluded she's retaining her eggs for some reason.

i doubt she has any infections (none of my others are having problems, she still eats and show no symptoms of anything besides being very heavy). so, question is, is there anything i can do to help her? is there anything besides egg retention i should look for? or is that most likely her problem? also is there any medication i can get? thank you in advance

Hi Nat,
There is nothing much you can do.  She may have trouble passing her eggs.  If your hospital tank is small, I would put her back in a bigger tank, so she has lots of move to swim.  Also, the water temperature should be 80-82 for bettas.   If she is not in this temperature, bring it up very slowly to 82 degrees.  Do this very slowly, one degree every two days, as bringing up the  temperature too quickly will cause death.  Bettas are tropical fish, and must be in warm water.  Under 80 degree water, the betta is cold, and will get sick.  Feeding her daphnia would also help.  Daphnia should be part of bettas diet.  Feed your bettas 2-3 times a day, but in small quantities.  Example: 2 pellets, or 2 flakes a for each meal.  Feed them one frozen cooked pea each a week with the outer layer removed, and cut into tiny pieces.  On the day you feed them the pea, feed them nothing else.  You must vary her diet, bettas must have variation.  Betta pellets, Betta flakes, Plankton flakes, Daphnia, Bloodworms, Glassworms, Brine Shrimp, Mealworms, are all foods the betta needs in order to get the vitamins they need.
I hope this helps.