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23 14:50:44

I have a plecotamus in a large 50 gallon. The glass was green, but after about three days crystal clear. Do I need to feed him/her. What care should I give him/her. I have (it) in the tank with about five smallish chilids (spelling unsure) Thank You. Maureen

Hi Maureen,
 Absolutely you have to feed him.  He will eat algae but he needs more than that.  The best thing is a zucchini squash. Buy a zucchini, cut it into four strips (quarters) lengthwise. Then using an elastic band, attach these to something in the tank (not the heater), such as a rock or a piece of wood or something.  He might not eat them at first, so don't let them rot in there. If he doesn't eat them within a day or so, take them out.  After a few tries, he will catch on and then you will see one happy plecostomus -- they love the stuff.

-- Ron
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