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Which catfish?

23 11:13:05

I just started to cycle my new 36g bowfront tank. In the tank i have a big piece of mopani wood, some aquatic plants, two very good filter and a heater (78*F). i also have some other fish in my tank. I just want to know which types of catfish is best for my tank:
1. Rubberlip Catfish
2. Otocinclus
Which ones would you recomend for my tank? can you also give me some information on the catfish that you recomend for my 36g bowfront tank (what to feed them, will it eat plants, will it eat mopani wood, is it hard to care for and stuff like that)?
Thank You

Quan, I would do the Otocinclus. This would probably more suitable to your smaller aquarium. These are found in South America and the Andes. Like any aquarium, these guys like the water to be very clean and healthy, and they do best in groups of 3 or more unlike most plecos. Make sure the tank is planted nicely whether fake or live. They are a delicate fish, but I like them better than the plain ol placo. If the algae in the tank isnt sufficient, you can supplement it for wafers of course, and also zucchini. The wood in the tank will be great for it, and will help keep the water soft. Sounds like your off to a good start. Let me know if you need anything else.