Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > little white spots

little white spots

23 11:13:05

my quarter sized piranhas have little white spots that look like air bubbles but I'm not sure could you tell me what it is?

Dear Nichole,
            It sounds like your Lil' ones, sorry thats what I call My Fish. Anyway back to your concern. It sounds like they have Ick. Almost 100% sure that is what is going on. Dont panic. What you need to do is go to your local Pet store,Walmart,Fred Meyer's, you get my point. Purchase a product called Ick Away.It is a Blue & white bottle and it sell's for only a few dollars. There is actually many different brand names. The one I just told you is sold at Walmart. Anything with the word Ick in the title is what you need. It will turn your water blue or purple. I personally think its kinda cool. Thank you for choosing me as your Expert to answer your questions. I really appreciate it. So thank you again.
           Thank you,