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23 11:25:20

my sons science teacher sent home 2 fish. one i know is a guppy, who was pregnant...the other i have no looks like a neon shape, but it is silver with light blue and orange splashes, can hardly see it, and a black spot that looks like an eye on each side right behind the gills...the top fin lays back against the body so don't know what shape it is, but has small black stripe on fin...the tail also has thin black line but it is not curved or split, and it is not pointy like a swordfish. it kind of points but has fin that kind of goes back towards body and the tail but that is almost transparent is there a good web site to look at pictures or do you have a maybe what it is?

Hi Kathie,
 Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), there are thousands of different species of fishes (over 28,000 in fact).  Is there any chance you could send me a photo?

-- Ron C.
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