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Roommate wanted

23 11:55:38

I have a single male Betta living in a 5 gallon tank that he inherited when the previous tenant moved on.  The tank is heated, with a bridge to hide under, a few small fake plants and he seems content.  

I would like to get him a roommate.  I understand that he wont get along well sharing space with his own species.  However I have gotten conflicting reports re. the tolerance of other fish.  Are there fish you recommend?  

While away for a few days the filter quite so we need to do a little housekeeping.  Would he tolerate a maid (ie. a sucker fish that eats algae).   

Also - when I went looking for plants the pet store said to stay away from live plants.  Why? Was this sound or bad advise?  


Hello Jonathan,
Your betta will not take well to another fish, as he considers the whole tank his home, and a Betta needs this space in order to be happy.  However, you may try to add a drawf pleco.  A "Hairy Riger" pleco remains small, the clown pleco, and the Zebra Pleco.  You would have to provide wood in your tank, as they eat wood, and you would have to buy them pellets especially made for them, and a hiding place, but you can only put one in your tank.  You could add a Mystery Snail, if the plecos don't interest you.  You could put 2 corydoras catfish in your tank.  They are cute, but must be in two's as they love to play.  They too will need bottom pellets for food.  If this does not interest you, maybe a drawf african frog could be added.  The frog needs the same care as the betta, but you will have to buy him different food.  I just want to add, that the betta is a loner, and prefers being alone.  I don't know how your betta will react to a new tank mate.  This is a chance you will have to take.  I cannot guarantee that things will work out.  As for adding other fish, I wouldn't recommend it.  The Betta's skirt is an attraction to other fish, and he will get nipped.  He too, would nip another fish.  Unless a betta has lots of room, and is the last one in the tank, I wouldn't recommend tank mates that swim at the same level the Betta does.
You may add plants... Good plants to add are Java Fern, Java Moss, Hornwort, and Anacharis.  These are hardy plants, and do well with low lighting.  You would have to care for them, and remove the dead leaves, and prune them.  They would be a nice addition to your tank, and your Betta would love them.  There are many other hardy plants to choose from.  Make sure that the plants do not need much light, and you will have a beautiful tank in no time.
Hope this helps