Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > red tailed shark has a big stomach

red tailed shark has a big stomach

23 11:55:38

my red tail shark has a huge stomach 1 day it was fine then the next day its stomach was huge why?

Hi Amber,
He is constipated. Overfeeding, and poor diet lead to constipation, then to Swim Bladder Disease.  Try feeding him cooked or unthawed frozen peas.  Remove the outer layer, and try feeing this to your fish.  Do not feed him anything else for 2 days.  He must clean out his system.  If he refuses to eat the peas, and remains swollen, you will have to medicate.  Swim Bladder is curable if caught in time.  "Kanamycin" is very good for Swim Bladder.  If you cannot find it, use Tetracycline or Furan 2.
I hope he recovers, and that this will help.