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my brothers fish

23 14:02:58

Dylan's fish is a blackmoore and shares a 10 litre tank with another blackmoore. We have had him now for a couple of months and in the last couple of weeks he developed a white sheet over his eye. You cannot see the iris. The other fish has only been in the tank a couple of days. His (the ill one) condition is not deteriorating nor improving. He now has a light and a filter but when he developed it he did not. Any light on the situation would be greatly appreciated. I can send a photo to your e-mail address (don't know it yet) if you need to see what it looks like.

Hello Vanessa,
The problem is your water quality and tank size. With two goldfish, you need at least a thirty gallon tank. A ten gallon is just much too small, and without filtration your fish's situation will become fatal even faster.
Get a decent filtration system, buy a larger tank as soon as possible, and until then do large, frequent water changes so your fish have a fighting chance. Aquarium salt and/or stress coat will help your fish to recover faster. 40% water change every other day - no less until you get that larger tank. Once you have the larger tank, 30 percent once a week should be fine.
ADD: I am sorry you feel that I have not been very helpful, however I can only do so much without the proper information given to me, and it still stands that a ten liter or even a ten gallon tank is too small. You still need to consider a thirty gallon tank, with biofiltration and more frequent water changes. Thanks for asking and have a good one.