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Dieting fish and moving fish

23 11:37:30

my mom over feeds my fish. she feeds them multiple times a day, every day.
they are extremely obese, as obese as a fish can get.
I am worried they will suffer impaction, swim bladder disease and other complications.

How can I "diet" my fish?? I love my fish, I don't want them to die.

I have betta fish and cory cats.


I am moving this week.
I have a 29 gallon aquarium, and as I stated, betta fish (females) and cory cats.
How can I move them safely? The drive isn't far, only 15 minutes from where I am now to where I am going.
I thought about just draining about 80% of the water from the aquarium and moving it that way.
Should I separate them, put the fish in tuppaware bowls or in ziplock bags, or get bags from the pet store or something?

Should I retain some of the water from the aquaiurm and add it when we move?

Hi Kayla

Try reducing the amount of food intake for your fish by feeding them once a day, and only feed them enough of what they can consume in about 2 minutes.

When moving your fish, the tank should be the last thing you take down and pack, and the first thing you setup in your new home. Drain the tank, but leave about a 1/2 inch of water covering the gravel. You don't want the gravel to dry during transit. Also fill about a 5 gallon bucket with the tank water, then add this 5 gallons back to the tank at your new home. Then fill the tank with new water. Transport your fish in plastic bags or in bowls as you mentioned and put them in plastic bags when you get to your new home. You'll need to acclimate your fish to the tank again, just as you would when you bring them home from the pet store.

Hope this helps, good luck!
