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Cory fish companions

23 11:00:23

Hey Richard, I have two corydoras in a 5 gallon tank and I was wondering what kind of fish would be a good companion to the two! I've researched that bettas are good companions, but I don't really like bettas.. Would any similar sized fish be fine such as a molly or even a guppy? I used to have a pleco but it died, should I get another one? Or maybe a snail?
Thank you so much!

Hi Cambrie

Pretty much any community fish will be compatible with Cory Cats. Bettas, Mollies, Guppies, Platys, Tetras, Danios, Rasboras, Barbs etc. You just don't want any bottom dwellers that would compete with them for food, or any fish that's large enough to eat them. The only problem is in a 5 gallon, you don't have any room for tankmates. If you were to get a 10, 20 or 30 gallon tank, you would be able to add tankmates with them. If you add tankmates with them in the 5 gallon, the tank would be overcrowded and you could lose some fish.

Hope this helps, good luck!
