Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My fish got white sots on their tails

My fish got white sots on their tails

23 15:09:35

It was noticed that some of my pet fishes had tiny white spots on thier tails and fins. They used to be very energitic. But now they seldom eat. I really worry they may be sick.

I talked with several people about this. Some said it was because they tapped water had chlorine. But I do added dechlorinator after filling fresh water.

I don't what is the reason and what I can do for it. Appreciate it if you give me some clue.



Hi Brian;

The fish probably have a parasite called "Ich".

Raise the water temperature to 82 degrees and add aquarium salt. Get the salt at the local fish store and add a half teaspoon per gallon of tank water. Make a 25% water change every other day, using a good water conditioner every time. Also add a salt dose to the fresh water when you make the change. Only for the new water though. This means that for every gallon you actually replace, add another 1/2 teaspoon of salt to the tank. This keeps the salt concentration the same all the time.

The higher water temperature weakens the parasite and the salt helps weaken it more, killing some. Water changes removes even more of them so they can't reattach to your fish. The water changes also improve water quality, strengthening the immune system of your fish.

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Chris Robbins

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